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Fine Print 

Here you will find the Fine Print, the Mumbo Jumbo, the Yada Yada Yada, for those of you interested in such things.


Official Corporate OFFICERS, as of July 1, 2022   

President, Joy Bollinger
Vice President, Murray Cox
Secretary, Toni Crowley
Treasurer, Jan Hall
Membership Director, Paul Duma
Marketing Director, LaReta Morrison

IT Director, Susan Mansmann

Associate Board Member, Randall Stone

Associate Board Member, Peggy Duma 

Associate Board Member, Bill Crowley 

Associate Board Member, Jim Cozart 

Events Coordinators, Randall Stone & Sari Chapman

Volunteer Committee, Janice Baldwin & Leigh Fontana

P.O. Box 431497
Big Pine Key, FL 33043

Southernmost Coconut Castaways, Inc.

If you would like further information, Board meetings are held monthly (check the Calendar for date and location); club members are welcome and encouraged to attend.


Serving Community Roles with Caribbean Souls  

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